Forum Savoir Maigrir

Ils commencent à maigrir avec Jean-Michel Cohen ce lundi !

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n'hésitez plus et vous aussi commencez à perdre vos kilos en
trop dès cette semaine !

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Who speaks english

Les messages postés sur ce forum représentent l’opinion individuelle de Membres qui suivent la Méthode Cohen. Ils ne sont aucunement représentatifs de l’opinion de Jean-Michel Cohen, ni des pratiques commerciales de la Méthode Cohen ou de la société ANXA.
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  par mandy (18) Posté le 04-02-2008 à 12:01
Hello everyone ive been on the forum for 6 weeks now and not a lot of replys i am woundering if my mistakes in french have anything to do with it. So if there is any english speaking people out there please get in touch.Even with mistakes it will do me good thanks and see you soon
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des_hauts_des_bas (Lyon, 69) répond Posté le 18-05-2012 à 09:06
In fact it is more or less the Cohen way.

des_hauts_des_bas (Lyon, 69) répond Posté le 18-05-2012 à 09:05
Hello, I am still around so if you want to communicate in English, that's fine with me. Still struggling with the kilos but I have stopped all the funny diets and eat less of everything now (I am 66 and take a lot of medecine) and slowly slowly the kilos go away and I don't feel so frustrated. Have a good day

edijac (lille, 59) répond Posté le 17-05-2012 à 16:37
forum pas mal pour parfaire son anglais

mandy (18) répond Posté le 21-02-2008 à 07:44
Hi girls i still havent got the scales out.Ill wait untill monday, we are invited saturday to a night out MOULLES FRITTES
Ill try and not be tempted by to many chips. Were just going to have to dance a lot to get the calories down. When i see people eat what they want and dont put any weight on they dont realise how lucky tey are. Never mind lts not worth being depressed, anyway girls see you soon mandy oh MJ i hope everything goes ok for your daughter im sure it will. bye for now

mijanoulyon (Lyon, 69) répond Posté le 19-02-2008 à 20:02
Hi Mandy.. my daughter is visiting from London and going skiing too. . . well.. wish her luck then! Didn't go on the scales this week-end either!!!!
Take care MJ

IsabelleAnne (92) répond Posté le 18-02-2008 à 20:44
Hi Mandy ! Don't you worry (because stress is no good for you they say!!) those little extra grams will vanish in no time but you are right to avoid the scale for 2 or 3 days ! Sorry for your brother. . .I hope you still had fun though !! Bye for now Isa

mandy (18) répond Posté le 18-02-2008 à 20:35
Well back to work tommorow so it will be easier to get back into the routine of eating normally. I really have to loose weight before i even think about getting on those weighing scales. They are going to stay in the cupboard a couple of days. Ill tell you in a couple of days, see you later mandy.

salomé (agde, 34) répond Posté le 18-02-2008 à 19:40
Hi Mandy
Best wishes for your brother s recovery
Think of menu de rattrapage et omelette blanche. You were right to enjoy a good raclette. I'd have done the same..YEEEEEEEs
see u

mandy (18) répond Posté le 18-02-2008 à 14:23
Hi everyone were back from ski-ing. Well what a holiday, we were on the slopes for maybee 8 minutes and my brother broke his leg. So off to Grenoble hospital,everyone was really nice to him so i was pleased. So we didnt ski, unfortunatly we couldent do a lot, and yes i cracked up i had racklette sorry girls but it was worth it. My familly didnt know it, and they loved it. I wont weight myself yet ill wait a few days, because if not ill get upset. Anyway untill next time be carefull lasses and think slim see you soon mandy

mijanoulyon (Lyon, 69) répond Posté le 18-02-2008 à 13:31
Hello girls - I didn't loose any weight last week - but I know why - I was not very strict - so I am back following the diet carefully this week - take care all of you - and speak to you soon.
Hi Mandy? Back in good shape? Cheers!!

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